Category: Theme Customization

Methods and best practices for customizing existing themes, including child themes and theme options.

  • Blog post list with a post without a featured image. The theme has a default featured image.

    How to Set a Default Featured Image in WordPress

    WordPress does not have a default featured image for posts or pages. It shows nothing as a placeholder. See the picture below of a post with the title “Explore WordPress 6.4” that does not have a featured image. Add Some…

  • a magnifying glass on a blue table

    How to Use WordPress Zoom Image Capability

    WordPress Zoom image capability is a new feature for the image block in version 6.4. It is also called a lightbox. Users can click on the image to expand it. Then, by clicking outside the image area, the box will…

  • A messy blue environment with mobile, tablet, and some tools, logos, and illustrations that mean WordPress theme customization

    A Guide to Easy WordPress Theme Customization

    WordPress is a popular platform that allows users to create and customize websites without delving into complex coding. One of the key features that set your website apart is the theme. WordPress theme customization can seem daunting, but with simple…

  • The WordPress authors' social media added to the theme.

    How to Add Authors’ Social Media in WordPress

    You want to add authors’ social media links to their posts or the author page template. There are ways to do that and in this tutorial, I explain one of them. Table of Contents Add Authors’ Social Media via User…

  • a gray door with the 404 number in red next to it

    How to Change the 404 Page Title in WordPress?

    Is the 404 page title, in your WordPress website not what you want? Do you want to customize it? Do you see the page URL in place of the title in the web browser tab? I do not have a…