Year: 2023

  • WordPress Plugin Directory main page

    How to Install a WordPress Plugin Step-by-Step

    WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, offers a wide range of plugins to enhance your website’s functionality. Whether you need to improve SEO, add contact forms, or integrate social media, plugins are the go-to solution.…

  • Add a plugin page on the WordPress dashboard

    10 WordPress Plugin to Boost Your Website Quickly

    WordPress plugins are powerful tools that help website owners improve their site’s functionality and performance without requiring coding knowledge. However, with over 60.000 plugins available in the WordPress repository alone, knowing which plugins to choose can be overwhelming. Here are…

  • A CodePen Screenshot of How to Generate Random Numbers Between a Minimum and Maximum using JavaScript and HTML

    How to Generate Random Numbers Between Min and Max

    In this blog post, I will teach you how to generate random numbers between a minimum number and a maximum (both inclusive). I will explain completely but basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript languages is needed. The final codes are…

  • The WordPress authors' social media added to the theme.

    How to Add Authors’ Social Media in WordPress

    You want to add authors’ social media links to their posts or the author page template. There are ways to do that and in this tutorial, I explain one of them. Table of Contents Add Authors’ Social Media via User…

  • a gray door with the 404 number in red next to it

    How to Change the 404 Page Title in WordPress?

    Is the 404 page title, in your WordPress website not what you want? Do you want to customize it? Do you see the page URL in place of the title in the web browser tab? I do not have a…