How to Enable .webp Image Upload XAMPP Localhost

You install XAMPP localhost on your system and install WordPress on in. If you want to upload a .webp format image, you must first enable a .webp image upload capability. If not, you will see the below error:

This image cannot be processed by the web server. Convert it to JPEG or PNG before uploading.

See the image taken from the WordPress admin section:

Enable .webp Image Upload in XAMPP

Before uploading a .webp image, you must enable PHP GD Library. So follow the below steps to allow it:

  • Open the XAMPP Control Panel
  • In front of Apache, click on Config and select PHP (php.ini)
  • Search for extension=gd and remove the semi-colon character ( ; ) before it to make it uncomment.
  • Please save the file and close it.
  • Stop and start the Apache and MySQL again in the XAMPP Control Panel.

See the result

You enabled .webp image upload successfully. As you can see below, after that, you can upload the image in the WordPress Media section:


I hope you can resolve your issue with this article. You may want to read this article too: XAMPP is Slow with WordPress and the Easy Solution

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  1. 微风阁 Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. Useful.

    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      You’re welcome. I’m happy to hear this from you.

  2. J Avatar

    Works great, thank you!

    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.

  3. Zaid Munshi Avatar
    Zaid Munshi

    Worked like a charm, Thanks for sharing

    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      No problem. I was glad to hear from you.

  4. alikhani98 Avatar


    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      My pleasure

  5. Thierry Ntoh Avatar
    Thierry Ntoh

    Works like a charm. Thanks a ton

    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      Happy to hear that. You’re very welcome.

  6. Romain Avatar

    Don’t work on linux, this is what I have on /Xamp-8.2.12/etc/php.ini :


    1. Mohammad Ahmadian Avatar
      Mohammad Ahmadian

      Unfortunately, I don’t have Linux so I can’t test it there. I only tested it on Windows.
      Do the task step by step as I mentioned in this blog post.
      Consider open the php.ini with the help of the screenshot above. Do not go through the folders and files in XAMPP folder.

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